Quarrydale Sixth Form Website (2016)

Back in the start of 2016, I had to create a system for my A Level in ICT, When the typical example was to create a system of some kind using Access, I decided that due to my interests, a website of kind woukld be more suited. It just so happened at the time, the Sixth form was looking to update and upgrade their website, so i asked the head of the sixth form to create an upgraded system for this project, to which they agreed.
I began with conversations about what was required for the system. As this was an offical project, extensive documentation using a waterfall method was inplemented. Intiall a questionnaire was sent out to the main 3 people within the sixth form and requests were taken.
From this, an initial set of 3 designs were made, pictured on the left, these were sent for deliberation, where they were wasked to pick their favour and method anything that would be obviously missing.

Design 2 was ultimately selected as the best option and work went underway to get the system up and running. Dreamweaver was selected as the software used to develop the system as no development languages were taught beforehand, but this was ultimately good as it allowed me to undertake a large writing piece using the waterfall methodology.
Resources such as images and videos were provided by the Sixth form and regular meetings were arraigned to keep the system within the spec of the clients.

Finally the system was then complete, and it was time to verify if the system was a success. It was decided that the system was a success, but looking now, it would have been good if it met more modern standards for designs.
For this, responsive design should have been implemented so it reacts to different screens and orientations and displays in such a way that is is more clear for all users.

This was however a good starting point for me to explore websites and the beginning of a long path to understanding design and development methods to the point at which i do now.

If you want to view the site, simply click the button below:

Vist Project